

EAR INFECTION (otitis) and ITS DANGERS. 800 533 Cure MD

Ear infection (otitis) is an infection of the middle ear, caused mainly by bacteria (such as streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae) or viruses (such as the common cold). On many occasions, these usually disappear on their own, while on others we must use antibiotics to eliminate the infection, and thus avoid possible hearing problems and even other complications.

If you have suffered from otitis, or know someone who has had it, or if you are a health worker, we invite you to register on the DATIUM platform. In this way you will collaborate in the study and management of cases, obtaining rewards in our MDCxCoin

How do I identify the symptoms of Otitis?

The most common symptoms may vary depending on the age of the patient, the most common being those shown below:


  • Ear pain, especially when lying down
  • Pulling or tugging on an ear
  • Sleep disorders
  • Crying more than usual
  • Concern
  • Difficulty hearing or responding to sounds
  • Loss of balance
  • Fever of 38°C or higher
  • Discharge of fluid from the ear
  • Headache
  • Loss of appetite



  • Earache
  • Discharge of fluid from the ear
  • Difficulty hearing

We find several conditions of the middle ear, which could be related to otitis or generate problems in the middle ear, the most common being the following:

Otitis media with effusion, or swelling and fluid collection (effusion) in the middle ear without bacterial or viral infection. This can happen because the fluid buildup persists even after the ear infection improves. It can also happen due to non-infectious dysfunction or blockage of the Eustachian tubes.
Chronic otitis media with effusion occurs when fluid remains in the middle ear and continually returns without bacterial or viral infection. This makes children susceptible to new ear infections and could affect hearing.
Chronic suppurative otitis media, an ear infection that does not go away with the usual treatments. This can cause a hole in the eardrum.

Should I seek medical attention if I have ear pain?

Absolutely yes. It is always advisable to go to the primary care professional, since it will be the doctor, after carrying out the relevant tests, who will determine whether or not there is an ear infection (based on the state of the eardrum and if there is pus in the ear medium), prescribing for this purpose the treatment to follow.

Without a doubt, an earache can be a real headache. Literally. But we cannot compare it with the damage that we could cause to ourselves if we are not informed of relevant issues in relation to DATIUM.

Did you know that by sharing your symptoms with DATIUM you could acquire MDCx? It is our native value token with which you can obtain multiple services or simply sell them. If you are not yet familiar with the world of Blockchain, we recommend you visit our articles on Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cardano, among others that we are sure you will enjoy.

As a general rule, our body’s immune system usually fights middle ear infection on its own. However, sometimes the use of antibiotics is necessary (especially if the symptoms last more than 2-3 days), but it is important not to self-medicate.

To alleviate the symptoms, it is important to follow these tips:

  • Rest: It is important to be able to lie down so that the body rests and recovers from discomfort.
  • Drink liquids: our body must be hydrated.
  • If you are very sick, you can take a pain reliever (ask your doctor or pharmacist for guidance on medicines you can take for pain or fever).

Remember, if you have suffered from otitis, or if you are a health worker who has treated it, we encourage you to share your opinion and experiences through our DATIUM platform, for which you will receive MDCxCoins. Every time you access our surveys, you will receive MDCxCoins.


What Is A Woman’s MENSTRUATION? 768 509 Cure MD

Menstruation, or period, is the vaginal bleeding that marks the beginning of a woman’s menstrual cycle, with a duration that usually ranges from 20 to 31 days. Every month, our body prepares for a possible pregnancy, and when it doesn’t happen, the uterus sheds its lining, giving way to menstrual bleeding, which is expelled through the vagina.

However, it is very common to go to the gynecological center to consult about the menstrual disorders or other disorders that could possibly appear, since each cycle is not the same for all women. Therefore, from DATIUM, we want to know your experience, for which we encourage you to register and participate in our surveys and be rewarded for your contribution through our MDCxCoin currency.

What is considered a normal menstruation?

The average indicates that the menstrual flow can occur every 20 to 31 days and last from 2 to 7 days. However, it is conditioned by two characteristics:

• Absence of anomalies in the anatomy of the genital apparatus, vagina, womb, and ovaries.

• The normality of the hormonal cycle, the hormones produced by the ovaries.

In addition to the usual bleeding, you may feel the following symptoms:

• Abdominal or pelvic pain or cramps.

• Lower back pain.

• Swelling and pain in the breasts.

• Craving for a particular food (for example, chocolate).

• Irritability and mood swings.

• Headache and tiredness.

What is premenstrual syndrome?

Premenstrual syndrome is a group of symptoms that begins before menstruation (about one or two weeks before). It can include emotional as well as physical symptoms, but given the variety of criteria and disparity in symptoms, it is very difficult to determine the prevalence of PMS.
However, between seven and ten days before menstruation, women may present symptoms of nervousness, emotional sensitivity, and even symptoms of anxiety or depression. The most frequent symptoms are usually:

Physical changes:
• Tightness in the chest.
• Swelling of the face, hands or abdomen.
• Acne (due to an increase in oil in the skin).
• Greasy hair.
• Headache.
• Increased appetite, especially with a craving for sweets.
• Constipation or diarrhea.
• Changes in sleep rhythm.
• Palpitations.
Psychological changes:
• Feeling of sadness.
• Tiredness, fatigue.
• Difficulty concentrating.
• Anxiety.
• Irritability.

Obviously, the type of symptoms and their intensity can vary from one woman to another, as well as from one cycle to another. The Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics indicates that eight out of ten women suffer some of the characteristic alterations before menstruation, and one in ten can hinder or interfere with day-to-day life (this syndrome is known as premenstrual dysphoric).

Remember how important your opinion and collaboration are to us, which is why we encourage you to access the DATIUM surveys, for which you will obtain our MDCxCoins through your answers.

Although a specific cause of premenstrual syndrome in health has not been identified, we do know that hormonal changes trigger the symptoms, and that there may be some binding factors, such as:

• Genetic or hereditary. Studies suggest that this disorder is more common in women whose mothers also suffered from it.

• Psycho-affective, emotional and psychological. Emotional problems and high stress seem to make symptoms worse. The woman’s possible mood disorders, her level of anxiety and a previous medical history of depression also play a role.

• Nutritional. Although it has not been possible to verify, it could be that the premenstrual syndrome is linked to a deficiency of vitamin B6, essential fatty acids, trace elements or hypoglycemia.

Can PMS be diagnosed?

To diagnose premenstrual syndrome, it must be based on the description of the woman’s symptoms, therefore, it is recommended that the symptoms that are perceived be recorded in a diary, as well as their duration, severity, feelings that she is going through and the repercussions that all this has in his daily life. With this information, she must go to the doctor in order to take into account these descriptions (which must be from at least three consecutive cycles) and thus determine the appropriate treatment, which will be focused on relieving the specific symptoms of each woman. The possible therapeutic approaches are mentioned below:

• Diet changes. In some women, increased protein intake and decreased carbohydrate intake may alleviate PMS symptoms.

• Reduce sodium intake to relieve fluid retention.

• Hormone treatment. Oral contraceptives are often a therapeutic alternative, especially for physical symptoms, although their effectiveness varies from case to case.

• Prescription of tranquilizers. The doctor will determine if the use of certain medicinal plants or even medications can help alleviate irritability, nervousness and lack of control, especially in cases where stress cannot be reduced.

• The intake of analgesics or anti-inflammatories can, in some cases, alleviate part of the physical symptoms such as headache, abdominal tension and breast tenderness.

• Some antidepressants such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors can be used by the patient’s doctor to relieve only the symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Whether or not you have suffered from premenstrual syndrome, we encourage you to register with DATIUM and every time you respond to our surveys, you will receive our MDCxCoins in exchange.

Flu | Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment | Datium Medic

Flu | Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment | Datium Medic 600 400 Cure MD

The Flu – La Gripe

The flu (also known as “influenza”) is an infectious disease that usually affects the respiratory tract (nose, throat and lungs), and on some occasions it can be accompanied by other stomach viruses (causing diarrhea and/or vomiting). At Datium, it is one of the main reasons for the participation of our users. Thanks to the information provided, they not only earn MDCx, but also help improve the fight against the flu.
As a general rule, the flu disappears on its own, but sometimes it can turn complicated, becoming fatal. People with the highest risk of presenting complications (those under 5 years of age, or over 65 years of age; people convalescent or who have weakened immune systems, as well as pregnant women), should pay special attention to the symptoms.

It could almost be said that everyone, at some point in our lives, has had a flu or constipation. However, for each person it can be more or less bearable, so therein lies the importance of contributing our experiences, for the study and management of cases. We encourage you to access the DATIUM web platform, in which you can obtain great benefits and advantages with our MDCx Coin, each time you answer our surveys.

What are the most common flu symptoms?

We cannot affirm that we all develop the same symptoms, since these can vary depending on our state of mind. However, the most common symptoms, which we have obtained thanks to Datium technology, are the ones indicated below:
• Fever
• Muscle pain
• Chills and sweating
• Headache
• Persistent or dry cough
• Shortness of breath when breathing
• Tiredness and weakness
• Stuffy or runny nose
• Throat pain
• Eye pain
On some occasions, patients may present, after a severe infection, a case of persistent fatigue that has been called post viral asthenia syndrome.

What is the Post Viral treatment?

Once infected with the flu virus, the most effective remedy is rest, hydration and taking antipyretics if we have a fever, or to alleviate discomfort. Because there is no 100% effective treatment or medication, as it is a viral infection, the use of antibiotics is totally discouraged, except in the case of a bacterial superinfection (such as pneumonia), in which it would be indicated to be prescribed. Thanks to Datium’s free information, increasingly more doctors and facilities are improving their studies against the flu.

Are antiviral drugs effective?

There is a group of antiviral drugs for the flu called “neuraminidase inhibitors” which work when a virus infects a person’s body. These antivirals inhibit a protein called “neuramidase”, which prevents the virus from being released from infected cells, thus reducing the reproduction of the virus within the body.

It is important to bear in mind that treatment with antivirals is indicated in those patients who have a severe infection, either because they have risk factors or problems with their immune system, which increases the risk of developing complications. To be most effective, treatment must be started as soon as possible, preferably within 48 hours of the onset of flu symptoms.

Can the flu be prevented? Datium gives you the answer

Viruses are constantly changing, causing new strains to appear on a regular basis. If we have had the flu in the last season, our body is able to fight that specific strain, so if the current virus is similar to the one we have already faced (due to illness or vaccination), those antibodies could prevent the infection, or visibly reduce its severity. Everything will depend on the virus that we face come the new season.

For this reason it is important to continuously, constantly and sincerely visit the Datium platform to collaborate in each stage of the disease. Medicine needs Datium users.

The best way to prevent the flu is to maintain a healthy and balanced diet, with hydration and rest being very important. Some vitamin supplements (for example with vitamin C) can also be of great help, taken within the first few days from the onset of the disease.

That said, the health recommendations indicate the following prevention and control measures to prevent contracting the flu and/or to help prevent the spread of the contagion:

  • Annual influenza vaccination is the main method of prevention.
  • Wash your hands often, especially important in children, who tend to touch everything and then put their hands in their mouths.
  • Do not share objects that may be contaminated such as cutlery, glasses, towels, etc.
  • Frequent cleaning and disinfection of commonly used objects.
  • Avoid contact with other sick people.
  • Cover your nose and mouth with your forearm or a handkerchief when coughing or sneezing.
  • Drink a lot of liquid, even if you don’t feel like it and, especially, if you also have diarrhea.
  • Rest enough time at night.
  • Ventilate every room in the house daily.

However, for the first symptoms of flu, we advise you to go to the health personnel to be assessed and prescribed the correct treatment to follow.

Likewise, we remind you of the importance of your opinion and experiences, which is why we invite you to participate in our surveys on the DATIUM platform, through which you will obtain multiple benefits through our MDCxCoins currency.